Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hey Google, Put My Website Back on Page One!

            I guess I was living in a fool’s paradise. It’s the only explanation I can think of when it comes to the false sense of security I had regarding my website’s popularity on Google search. For the past few years, the mere typing of “Time Travel Mysteries” brought viewers directly to me. I was number one on the list! Yay!  One quick click and they could see all my novels, storyboards, blogs, and event updates. It was an author’s dream. 

            Then, something horrific happened. The dream turned into a feisty little nightmare with no rhyme or reason. Suddenly, I was on page two. Page two? That’s unthinkable. Granted, I was on the top of page two, but still, it was page two. That’s like getting a B on your algebra exam when you expected nothing less than an A. 

            I was up against urban legends, proof of time travelers and a multitude of Amazon stuff. It was outrageous. Who was going to click past page one? Panic stricken, I contacted my webmistress who informed me that there was a major shift in the way Google decided to do search updates. Apparently, everyone’s search ranking changed. For me, this was a worse upset than the New York Giants defeating New England in the 2008 Super Bowl! 

            She went on to explain that it may have had a lot to do with conversational searches and mobile technology. She might as well have told me that it had a lot to do with global warming and the decline of the honeybee population. It didn’t matter. What mattered was the fact that "Time Travel Mysteries" was no longer “Google’s favorite website” for that topic. I felt as if I had just been replaced as the favorite grandchild. 

            The only solace I can find is to tell myself that everything changes and that Google will someday come to its senses and realize that "Time Travel Mysteries" needs to be restored to its rightful place on page one. In the meantime, I intend to check out my ranking on Bing and hope you will, too!

1 comment:

  1. is a search engine that I've heard a lot of people switching to as well.

    I'm sure all will become as clear as mud soon enough where Google is concerned.


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